
PNG Will Host Security Symposium At 2024 FUN

January 3 safety session will be open to all dealers

(Orlando, Florida) – The Professional Numismatists Guild ( will host a security symposium for all interested dealers in Orlando, Florida on Wednesday January 3, 2024. The 90-minute presentation will feature veteran security experts who will provide crucial safety advice.

The “PNG Annual FUN Show Symposium - Dealer Security” will be open to all PNG and non-PNG dealers, and a complimentary light lunch will be available. The symposium will begin at 12:30 pm on January 3 in room N320E of Hall NB at the Orange County Convention Center, 9400 Universal Blvd. in Orlando, site of the 69th annual Florida United Numismatists, January 4-7.

“Dealers attending the symposium will get essential tips about protecting themselves and their inventories at their shops, offices, at coin shows, and when traveling to or from a show,” explained PNG Executive Director John Feigenbaum.

Speakers at the symposium will be Robert K. Wittman, President of Robert Wittman, Inc. Art Security Consulting, and former PNG President Jeff Garrett of Mid-American Rare Coin Galleries, who will give advice about cyber security.

That will be followed by a question-and-answer session with Doug Davis, Founder of the Numismatic Crime Information Center and a former Texas police chief, and Kenny Mullins, Vice President of Positive Protection, Inc.

“There have been a number of recent high-value distraction thefts from coin shows all over the country. Dealers must have security awareness at shows and when traveling to increase their safety,” said Wittman, author of The New York Times 2010 best-selling book, "Priceless: How I Went Undercover to Rescue the World's Stolen Treasures.”

“This will be the first in a series of PNG symposia in connection with the annual January FUN conventions. We cordially invite all PNG members and non-PNG dealers to attend this important meeting that will benefit the profession, the hobby, and the numismatic marketplace,” said PNG President Wayde Milas.

The Professional Numismatists Guild was founded in 1955. The organization's motto is “Knowledge. Integrity. Responsibility.”

For additional information about PNG, visit For additional information about the January 3, 2023 symposium, call PNG headquarters in Temecula, California at 951-587-8300 or email


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