Event Calendar

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

PNG Dealer Day

Start Date: 5/1/2024 10:00 AM CDT
End Date: 5/1/2024 5:00 PM CDT

Venue Name: Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center

1551 North Thoreau Drive
Schaumburg, IL  United States  60173

Organization Name: Professional Numismatists Guild, Inc.

Tina Bellanca
Email: info@pngdealers.org
Phone: (951) 587-8300

PNG Dealer Day - May 1, 2024

The Professional Numismatists Guild will host a dealers-only PNG Dealer Day on Wednesday. May 1, 2024, in conjunction with the annual Central States Numismatic Society convention.  This event will be open to all PNG and CSNS member-dealers.  Admission is free to PNG members, and $100 for non-member dealers.  Dealers who do not have a tables at the show must show proof of their tax identification number to purchase admission for PNG Day.

10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Wednesday, May 1, 2024
(A cocktail party/reception will be held for PNG members at 6:00 pm.)

Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center
1551 North Thoreau Drive, Schaumburg, IL

Bourse Applications:
PNG Member
Non-PNG Member

Additional information about PNG Dealer Day is available here.

For additional information about the CSNS convention, May 2 - 4, 2024, and hotel accommodations, visit www.CSNS.org/convention.

The PNG Mission

Ensuring integrity, instilling confidence, and promoting professionalism for the benefit of all numismatic collectors and professionals.